Thursday, August 15, 2013


Have I just come right out yet and said "I LOVE LIVING IN NORTHERN CALIFORNIA?"
If it was any secret before, it's not now. 

Besides the beauty, the sunshine, great weather, fun recreational opportunities and the people, there's the abundance of produce grown right here and sold at local stands or farmer's markets. I absolutely love farmer's markets and so do the boys. 

No jam this time around. I'm freezing these beauties for smoothies. 

The process is simple:

De-stem and slice then rinse. You can freeze whole but for smoothies it's better if they are halved.
Let dry on a towel

Place on a baking sheet lined with wax paper. Pop in the freezer overnight uncovered. 
Freezing them this way prevents them from clumping together in the bag. 

Bag in a Ziploc freezer bag and enjoy!

I also bought a half flat of peaches (for $10) crazy, right? I was handed a $5 voucher at the market to use at any booth so I used it on the peaches. These are by far the best peaches I've bought yet. They are DELICIOUS!

I froze half of them and got in big trouble for doing so because Kaleb has been eating about 2 of them a day and he told me they were the most amazing peaches ever. ;) 
Proof is in the peach!

There's a few more steps when it comes to freezing peaches.
To remove skins give the peaches a hot water bath for 45 seconds. 
Remove and put into a bowl of cold ice water.

Over the sink, peel skins off. They should literally just peel right off, like so....

Once all the peaches are peeled they're ready to slice.
Remove the pit 
To prevent browning, use fruit-fresh and toss in a bowl. I do not add any extra sugar.

Them drain them in a colander and place on a baking sheet lined with wax paper.
Freeze uncovered over night and then bag. 

Into the deepfreeze. 

Next to be added:1
Frozen corn, peppers, onions and zucchini- all farm fresh!

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