Monday, July 8, 2013

The Coast (Part II-Redwoods)

Call it a bucket list accomplishment, if you will. I've always wanted to see the Redwoods and finally did it! I was most excited of all.

It truly is what everyone says; impossible to capture their enormity on camera, hard to believe there are some taller than the Statue of Liberty, that they can weigh 500 tons and that many are as old as the dinosaurs. Impossible to believe they started out from the seed the size of a tomato seed. 

We had limited time, but we did get to experience them. And, I know I'll be going back!
We started at the Lady Bird Johnson Grove. 
The trail was perfect for the boys. 

Silly Side Note: see the day pack I'm carrying (better picture below) Would you consider this North Face gear a day pack or a fanny pack? Terrance (name changed for anonymity - ha ha ha) REFUSED to wear this because he thought it was a fanny pack and someone, somewhere, announced that a man simply does not wear such a thing. Please leave your comments if you would like to chime in on the unofficial poll. :D

I wasn't quite sure how captivating this would be for the boys. But I soon learned that it wasn't as much about the trees for them, as it was the adventure. They just loved being outside hiking around and being boys!

The terrain is so lush. There are ferns EVERYWHERE! And weird little things like above. I called them hobbit holes. 

My favorite part about the Redwoods was how the light filtered through the trees. I felt like I was in a mystical place. 

Another hobbit hole. 

That Eric had to climb into. Not even sure how he made it through. I feared he wouldn't get out. :)

Of course the boys had to crawl in there too. (All part of the adventure!)

Walking the plank

We swung through The Avenue of the Giants on our way home because we decided to take a different route home. Well worth the detour!

There was a downed tree. It was the highlight for the boys. 

Bottom of the tree(roots)

Going in....

Came out on top. 

 Back out again.

The pictures don't do them justice. They are beautiful. They are graceful. They are strong. 
They are The Redwoods. 


  1. Amazing! We visited the redwoods five years ago. I'll never forget them. We want to renew our vows there in a few years. (Also, Ian just announced that he wants to visit Kaleb.)

  2. I'm going to say it's a fanny pack! It only makes it slightly cooler because it is North Face....I would wear it :)

  3. I love the Redwood pics!! Would love to see those someday. Glad you are enjoying CA:o)
