Sunday, June 16, 2013

Boys and Berries

I know it probably doesn't seem like a big deal to some to pick berries, but to me it is a privilege to experience gathering your food source and teaching our kids how the food we consume gets to their mouths. To celebrate Father's Day, we headed to Lazy Valley Ranch in Penn Valley (less than a 10 minute drive for us) to pick our very first blueberries. I'm not a rookie berry picker by an means, with years of summers spent in my great grandparents raspberry patch, but blueberries were new.

Upon arrival we checked in and got our buckets. The kids got their own special little people buckets and we were pointed down the road to the patch. We were greeted by a lovely man, the owner, who told us where to park and then educated us on picking the ripest berries. We went to work. First in awe of how beautiful they were, then to find the most perfect berries. 

In typical Schuller fashion, the picking became competitive. The boys were on the prowl to find the biggest blueberry ever grown, and in their opinion, each one they found was. 

We spent a least an hour filling a bucket that in the beginning, seemed small and fillable, but quickly realized it was a slow fill. It didn't help that both boys kept stealing from the the big bucket to add to theirs. 

We thoroughly enjoyed our time spent in the 'Lazy Valley,' and I was excited to get home and make a blueberry smoothie in the nutribullet. But getting out of the blueberry patch was a little difficult. Eric struck up a conversation with the owner of the ranch, and as the kids and I lounged under a shade tree and sipped water, Eric and this man kept chatting. After all was said and done they were exchanging numbers. I think a connection was made and having heard tidbits of the conversation, I know Eric will be frequenting the area and begging Shannon to let him help with haying and other farm stuff. This should surprise no one that knows Eric! 

We finally made it back to the headquarters to weigh our beauties. $17 well spent!
And finally, home to create lunch! 

The 'Boys n Berry' (I know it's misleading, but clever, don't ya think?)

1/2 c. blueberries
1/3 c. vanilla Greek yogurt
2tsp. raw honey
2tsp. ground flax seed
1/2 c. Silk Fruit and Protein 
1/2 c. crushed ice

Blend, enjoy!

Remember the blackberry bushes in my back yard? Yep, they're ripening and will be ready to pick this week I presume! Blackberries are not going to be as leisurely to pick as they have nasty thorns. I will be out with my long sleeves and gloves gathering these. But don't you worry, it will not detour me from putting them in the freezer! 

After lunch we headed off on an adventure. Another body of water. This is Scott's Flat Lake. 

We decided to check out the day use shore. It was pretty populated, even on a Late Sunday afternoon, but the people watching is sometimes half the fun. 

I think it was a great Father's Day. 

Jax warming up after his swim

Kaleb warming up after his swim with his daddy. Love this picture!

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