Sunday, June 23, 2013

Hodge Podge Photos

It's a construction zone, not a kitchen.

Bedtime snack while watching an elk hunting video

2 peas in a pod on their iPads 

Before his long we could make a killer Mohawk! 

Not sure what this is but it's in my backyard and I like it

I knocked this nest out of a tree this past winter and we use it to put the kids' treasures in. 
Thought it made a cool picture

Sunny day bread baking. I haven't used the bread machine is so long and decided it needed to be used again. I let this rise in the 84 degree sunshine. 

Kaleb showing me that he will be 6 in a few days, and enjoying a warm slice of bread with honey

One of my favorite things: warm bread out of the oven

Father's Day dinner. Eric's mom sent him Omaha Steaks and twice baked potatoes. Thanks Kathy!

Jaxon eating his meal of turkey bacon and cheese quesadillas - does he even realize all he misses out on? 

Bountiful blueberries ready for muffins

Glads I picked up for $5 at the Farmer's Market. 

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